Departure times for specified bus stop
This is a REST/JSON API. The bus stop id must be specified for the YYYY value in the URL.
- RouteNr: ID of the route (line)
- RouteName: The name of the route, for example "X31"
- TimeType. Realtime iof it is a prognosis, schedule if it is timetable
- ShiftNumber: ID of the bus shift
- Time: The actual departure time for this specific route from this bus stop
- CreationTime: Timestamp for when the prognosis was created
- Destination: The destination text for this route
- FlashMessage: A potential deviation message for this route
All bus stop codes can be found in this API:
Felt | Verdi |
Data sist oppdatert | 28. september 2017 |
Metadata sist oppdatert | 18. august 2022 |
Opprettet | 28. september 2017 |
Format | JSON |
Lisens | NLOD-1.0 |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | True |
Id | 1b374ee0-f9a3-42e0-acaa-4a4df1fb43f7 |
Package id | d67a254a-ae2b-4d7b-95af-52ccafd478c0 |
Position | 0 |
Revision id | 56bdf822-7200-4308-9de4-d5b9219391a2 |
State | active |
Tracking summary | {'total': 26, 'recent': 1} |